This Again?

Oh how the tinder world is so bizarre.

Over the Winter Break I somehow found myself re-installing the dreaded tinder app. Yay. I was back in a bigger city and for the first five days I was home, I really wasn’t into meeting with people and talking about how our lives have been. I mean I just spent the last two weeks living in a library studying for finals, it’s not like I’ve been doing much.

But I still went on and still swiped (how much I’m hating myself as I’m writing this) and matched. I don’t really go on to talk to people, I typically do it because I’m bored and wanted to kill time. But that’s a pretty rude thing to say to a person when they are the first to talk.  Continue reading “This Again?”

About Time.

When I watch something I always tend to skip bits throughout. The minor details not worth pining over.

So when I came home at 4 in the morning I still wasn’t ready for sleep. And thus picked a quick movie to watch off of Netflix. Little did I know that I now would be sitting here at 6:29am writing about how I’m in tears over this movie.  Continue reading “About Time.”


Yup. It’s settled, I’ve become friends with most people on my floor now, which is amazing. 

I’ve heard others complaining about how terrible their floor has been, how girls don’t have their doors open, or how no one talks to each other. Ours isn’t like that at all, which, my god is amazing. Today we all went to an event together, and even though a friend and I got separated we managed to catch up. We’re also deciding on weekend movie nights/dinners etc.
I’m hoping those who are in harder majors don’t get tooooo busy but, as of right now i’m very content and feel good.